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  • AutorenbildPhilipp Bächstädt

Cool location and cool art

Did you know the famous musician 🎺 Till Brönner is a photographer as well? He was one of the artists exhibiting at the #event #TheArtwalk meets Fürstlich Castell’sche Bank 

The location was special - and as a presenter, I have seen a lot of event spaces. The construction site of the new German Patent office built and developed by PANDION AG -

cool location in the Werksviertel with beer from Hashtag#werksviertelbräu and wine from #Domaine #Castel, Keynote about „Art as an investment?“ by Sotheby's Bettina Beckert Artists included: @art_csilla_kudor @alexander_iskin @georg_hendricks @philipphaager @_renategraf_ #clausfrudolph and #tanyakrylowa, @reinerxaversedelmeier Thank you Daniela Obermeier for the invite. Great to meet so many friends 🙏

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